WHAT IS IT: Each year the Baby Bottle Campaign helps us raise “Change for Life”.
WHY DO WE NEED IT: All of our services are free to all clients, and we want to keep it that way! If we distribute 3,000 bottles during the year, we can raise our goal of $30,000.
WHEN and HOW IS IT ACCOMPLISHED: Baby bottles are distributed to entire congregations or small groups. They are given out with a specified return date approximately six weeks later. Sometimes holidays like Mother’s Day to Father’s Day or 4th of July to Labor Day help participants remember to fill their bottle with cash, change, checks and return it in a timely manner.
HOW CAN YOU PARTICIPATE: It is really easy. Ask groups in your church, business or organization to participate. This is a great project for teens and Sunday school classes. To reserve your baskets full of bottles and extras for refill, simply email us at cphelp@lifelinecpc.org. We also have handouts and posters like the one to the right for easy advertisement. This is a FUNdraiser that most people really enjoy.