Our board and staff are determined to remain true to this resolve for Life. The clients at risk to abort often require many more hours than those already planning to carry to term. We are unwavering in our dedication to serve this life decision-making group as our highest priority, without neglecting those who have already chosen life.
We are more fully convinced with each passing year that we live in an uneducated society when it comes to abortion.
Wherever a door of opportunity opens to give forth the truth about abortion and cast out the lies about pro-choice, we will accept the challenge. The ultrasound images reinforce that life begins at conception, and the Bible assures us that sexual integrity is God’s plan. With these two firm convictions, we will carry out our mission.
Executive Director, Jean Killough, expresses deep appreciation for God’s faithfulness to this, His ministry, over the past ten years. She also thanks the Board, Pastors, Supporters, Legislators and CPC Family for remaining true to the mission.